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Racial Equity at Work Isn’t Rocket Science
Author: Dorianne St. Fleur


Ten easy steps that's all it takes to start building an inclusive workplace. Establishing a baseline of the current environment is a critical first step for monitoring progress. Typically, companies rely on the results of employee engagement surveys. I proposed that complementing engagement surveys based on individual experience with an assessment of employee perception of various aspects of an organization provides a more robust picture of the current state of an environment and the efficacy of DE&I initiatives. CareerAgility's LEAP Scorecard provides a comprehensive view of what's going on beneath the surface.



"Believe it or not, building an anti-racist workplace — one where white supremacy isn’t tolerated or upheld — isn’t rocket science."

What an Anti-Racist Business Strategy
Looks Like

Author: Laysha Ward


The author identifies eight "pillars" required for a company to have a successful racial equity strategy. Four of the pillars are "foundational components" that need to be integrated into the strategy. Four pillars focus on "functional" business areas which Ward believes are needed to drive impact. #racialjustice #racialequity #inclusion



"Because every company is unique, there will never be a “one-size-fits-all” approach for taking action on racism."

Is AI Bias a Corporate Social Responsibility Issue?

Author: Mutale Nkonde


The issues identified in this article are important to keep in mind as AI becomes interwoven into decision-making process in selection, hiring, and evaluating employees. "This is why data scientist Cathy O’Neil argues the statistical models produced by algorithmic decision making systems are simply opinions written into code. She argues that we should not assume training datasets are accurate or impartial, because they are encoded with the biases of their largely white, male producers.' #AI #bias #CSR #socialresponsibilty #discrimination



"For businesses that want to build fair and accurate AI systems, the question most often posed is, how do we drive bias out of the training data?"

This One Simple Strategy Could Eliminate the Gender Pay Gap

Author: Scott Torrey


Pay equity is challenging at best. Some individuals say it doesn't exist; others question as to why HR would permit a disparity. This article offers a simple approach to addressing this issue. #fpayequity #payinequality #payequality #paygap #careeragility.


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